Philosophy Foundations

A great place to go if philosophy is new to you and you want to know what it is and what kinds of questions philosophers ask.

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Philosophical Canon

This resource looks at what determines the core group of texts in philosophy and challenges to that system.

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Critical Thinking

What is critical thinking, and how can you become a better critical thinker?

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Environmental Ethics

Considers the relationships between humans, non-human animals, and the environment.

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Explores the philosophical movement that began in the nineteenth century and emphasized the freedom and creativity of the individual.

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Feminist Philosophy

Explores how issues surrounding gender, sexuality, and social structures should be reframed and analyzed from a more egalitarian perspective.

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Discusses Karl Marx’s critique of the capitalist economic system.

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Looks at the basic philosophical questions of what actually exits and what being is.

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Modern Political Philosophy

Compares the political systems of the state of nature theorists.

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Natural Law Theory

Explores the theory that social laws can be derived from laws of nature.

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