Philosophy of Time

Does anyone know the time? The pack discusses the relevance of time. The past is over, the present is now, and the future can be ever changed.
“Do you know what time it is?” ⏳ No, really. Do you? Does anyone, really? Humans tend to have certain intuitions (or gut senses) regarding the nature of time, including the idea that the past is done and over with and the idea the future is open to change. A lot of people tend to picture time like an arrow 🏹 moving in a straight line towards the future. Philosophy of time asks if these ways of thinking based on our lived experiences can tell us anything about what time really is and whether it’s possible to get to an objective, scientific way of understanding time. 🕓
This might seem a little out there. Are we talking about time as a fourth dimension? Time travel? ⏰🚀Maybe! But the philosophy of time considers more mundane things, too. Like why does time seem to drag slowly in certain situations, like when we’re in the middle of class, 📚 and move faster at others, like when we’re playing video games? How can we know if animals experience time like we do? Does my cat understand when I tell her I’ll be home in an hour? Philosophers of time think about these questions and more. We hope you have time to give it some thought, too.
Does Time Exist?
Andrew Zimmerman Jones
Does Time Exist?
Is Time Real?
The Physics and Philosophy of Time, with Carlo Rovelli
What is Time?
What is Time?
Key Texts
Aristotle’s Physics (4th century BCE)
Aristotle -
The Nature of Existence
J.M.E. McTaggart’s -
Is Time a Continuum of Instants?
Michael Dummett -
Time Without Change
Sydney Shoemaker -
XV: The Notion of Existence
Manzoor Ahmad -
The End of Time
Julian Barbour -
Time, Creation and the Continuum
Richard Sorabji -
Presentism, Eternalism, and the Growing Block
Kristie Miller -
The Minimal A-Theory
Meghan Sullivan
Ep 56: It’s About Time – A Podcast in the Fourth Dimension: with guest Dr. Jonathan Tallant
Pop Culture Examples
Want to Know More?
Stanford Encyclopedia -
Contemporary philosophies of time
Encyclopedia Britannica -
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Questions to Think About
Is time real?
Can time ever flow “faster” or “slower”?
Is time travel possible?
Does time have a beginning?
Do animals experience time?
Key Thinkers
J.M.E. McTaggart
Michael Dummett
Sydney Shoemaker
Manzoor Ahmad
Julian Barbour
Richard Sorabji
Hugh Mellor
Kristie Miller
Meghan Sullivan
“Aristotle” by Nick in exsilio is licensed with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
“Michael Dummett” by Klaus Reisinger, Robert.S.Kissel is licensed with CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
“File:Julian-barbour-2012.jpg” by Adam Walanus is licensed with CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
Key Terms
- A-Series of Time
- holds that all series of events run from future to present to past
- B-Series of Time
- holds that all events are simply earlier than or later than one another
- Presentism
- understands time as a moving point that passes through events, which are only real in the that moment
- Eternalism
- Opposes presentism and holds that non-present things from the past the future exists now, even when they are not present.
- Time’s Arrow
- a concept that understands time as moving forward in one direction, creating an asymmetrical flow of time as the “past” accumulates and the “present” is created moment by moment